Imagine a world with four major leagues - encompassing 32 teams across the United States, Canada and the Caribbean. Imagine it's been that way since 1935, with real-life big-league players alongside those who never got to play. Well, imagine no more. Welcome to Baseball 35.

July 3, 2012

January 1, 1935 - A New Dawn

LOS ANGELES - After a two-year battle, the Pacific Coast League and International League announced today that they have reached an agreement that smooths the way for the two leagues to achieve Major League status. The PCL and IL will become major leagues, effective immediately. Any players that are under contract to American League or National League teams will be returned to their parent club for assignment to another minor league ball club.

The two leagues also announced that they will join forces under the banner of Continental League Baseball. The name reflects the footprint of the new organization, with 16 teams in the United States and Canada.

The Continental Leagues have also signed agreements with the Eastern League and Western League to become the top farm clubs for the IL and PCL, respectively. Any players in those leagues that are under contract with MLB clubs will also be re-assigned.

As part of the agreement, Major League Baseball announced that the Southern Association will henceforth receive AAA classification, moving up from the AA classification it previously enjoyed. The SA joins the American Association and the newly-promoted EL and WL at the highest level of farm-system baseball. That announcement makes a total of 32 AAA clubs in the United States, one for each Major League ball club.

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